Put the following in a mixing bowl. Note that if you touch the sliced peppers very much, your hands will begin to sting. Use a rubber glove, at least on the hand you don't hold the knife in. Do not rub your eyes or skin elsewhere.
- 1/2 half pound fresh Jalapeno peppers. Select firm ones. Avoid the rubbery ones. Avoid those with thin skins. Slice into round sections a little less than 1/4 inch (5 mm). Discard the ends and stems. I leave the seeds and the white, center part.
- (optional) 3 or 4 colorful habanero (scotch bonnet) peppers. Slice into rounds as thin as you can cut them without them falling apart. Discard the ends and stems. (Habaneros will make the result very spicy hot.)
- 2 Tbsp salt - sprinkle over the jalapeno rounds
Stir to distribute the salt. Cover with ice and let set for 2-3 hours. Add more ice as needed.
When the time is over, remove the ice, if any is left, and drain. Add the following and stir together:
- 6-8 green onions - slice the white part and some of the green.
Heat the following to boiling in a 2 qt pan:
- 1 c apple cider vinegar
- 1 c white sugar
- 1 1/2 tsp celery flakes (or 3/4 tsp celery seeds)
- 1 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
- 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp ground turmeric
- 2 juniper berries
- pinch ground white pepper
Simmer for 10 minutes.
Drain the peppers and onions one more time and add the mixture to the pan. Stir and bring back to a boil.
Move the peppers and onions to a quart mason jar with a slotted spoon. It should fill the jar. If it does not, add some random vegetables to fill the jar. (I like baby carrots.)
If you are going to store it, process it in boiling water for 15 minutes.
Turn the jar over on a counter and let it cool to room temperature (or so). If you didn't process with the boiling water, you will need to refrigerate now.
I like these over a cracker with a small slice of blue cheese. Other creamy cheeses work too.
Or you can just use them over foods where you would use standard salsa.
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